DC Yhdistys ry. - DC Association

Booking the Member flights

Flight status and booking

Open flight booking form the flight table. Fill the form carefully. You may print the bill and/or send reservation information with a cancellation link to your e-mail.

Click info-button for more information about the flight (Finnish only)
Click flight text to open the booking form (Finnish only)
Flights and flight times are subject to change.

Flight prices

25-30 minute domestic flight (Paikallislento) costs 75,00 to 100,00 € depending the airfield and duration of the flight.
Find prices of other flights by clicking info-symbol in the beginning of flight row.

Payment Service Provider

Paytrail Plc acts as a collecting payment service provider and is an authorized Payment Institution. Paytrail Plc will be shown as the recipient on your bank or credit card statement. Paytrail Plc will forward the payment to the merchant. For reclamations, please contact the website the payment was made to.
Paytrail Plc, Innova 2
Lutakonaukio 7, 40100 Jyväskylä
Business ID 2122839-7

Arriving to the flight

The passenger must arrive at least 60 minutes before the scheduled departure time. Be prepared to prove your identity and submit a receipt of payment.

The DC-3 is a historical aircraft.
The operation of the DC association does not fully comply with the safety requirements for commercial airline industry, concerning pilots, aircraft, maintenance and operation.

Flight table and booking

Before booking the member flight, please make sure you have read our Terms of flights
Unfortunately, the flight list is only in Finnish.
We recommend using a browser translator to help. Please note that the flight list links do not always work in the translated list.

DC Association

Business ID: 2003383-8
Association ID: 148.462
IBAN: FI32 2001 1800 3885 17

Helsinki-Malmi Airport
00700 Helsinki

tel: +358 50 566 6346  (no messages)
email:  info@dc-ry.fi

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