DC Yhdistys ry. - DC Association

DC Association – Membership

Become a member and support DC Association, also the flights are available only for association members.

Membership fees

Regular member         30,00 €, full member rights
Supporting member 15,00 €, participation and speech rights
Corporate member 150,00 €, supportin member, companies and associations

If you haven’t had your memebership bill, please make sure your email and mail addresses are valid in our database.

Applying the membership

Apply your membership with application form. Please fill information carefully and send the application. You will get a confirmation immediately.

You may mail the membership application to
DC-yhdistys ry
Malmin lentoasema
00700 Helsinki

You will get the membership fee bill by email right after the application has been accepted. Please use reference number in the payment.

Changing the contact details

You can change your information with membership form. You may also contact us by e-mail info@dc-ry.fi

DC Association

Business ID: 2003383-8
Association ID: 148.462
IBAN: FI32 2001 1800 3885 17

Helsinki-Malmi Airport
00700 Helsinki

tel: +358 50 566 6346  (no messages)
email:  info@dc-ry.fi

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