DC Yhdistys ry. - DC Association

Accessories are for sale in connection with flights and events.


DC-association traditional t-shirt. Color light gray. Sizes S – XXXL.
Price 15,00 €

New ”Flying Legend” t-shirts
Price 20,00 €


DC-association DC-3 Club Cap

One size fits all cap. Every member should have this. Order items may slightly differ from each other.
Price 15,00 €


Sleeve padges

Two sleeve padges are normally available. Sizes 7 – 10 cm. Some rare patches may be available for special events.
Price 10,00 €


Pin padge

Size 30 x 15 mm. Two pins.
Price 5,00 €


Photos, stickers and post cards

Old stock vintage pictures and cards available at the moment. Sticker sizes about 150 x 50 mm and 100 x 50 mm. Can be placed both top or back side of a window.

Price 2,50 €/pcs


DC-association knife

DC-3 knife is manufactured by one of the oldest Finnish knife workshop
Iisakki Järvenpää Ltd

The knife is beautiful, safe and handy to use. Suitable as a present, ornament or collectable, and of course for everyday use.

DC-associaton knife is based on very popular Hunting-Scout knife. The blade is 12 cm long, made of polished carbon steel, and its shape is characteristic for the knife. The handle is built up from stacked leather layers, and its surface is then sanded and varnished. The ferrules on both ends of the handle are polished aluminum. The bolster serves also as a finger guard. The sheath is light brown round sewn leather, and at the tip and at the mouth there are reinforcements made of polished stainless steel. The design on the sheath is done by laser printing.

All DC-association knife blade will have engraving ”DC-yhdistys ry”. Additional limited personal engraving is possible.

The knife shall be ordered directly from Iisakki Järvenpää online shop.
Price 99,00 €

Knife is sharp, always handle it carefully. It also may be a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands.

Keep knife always out of the reach of children.


DC Association

Business ID: 2003383-8
Association ID: 148.462
IBAN: FI32 2001 1800 3885 17

Helsinki-Malmi Airport
00700 Helsinki

tel: +358 50 566 6346  (no messages)
email:  info@dc-ry.fi

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