DC Yhdistys ry. - DC Association

DC Association

The objective of the Association is to further and finance activities aimed at preserving knowhow and material necessary in maintaining restoring and operating DC-3 aircraft in Finland. The Association operates the DC-3 OH-LCH to arrange excursions for members to suitable destinations and events of interest such as domestic and international air shows.

Rules of  DC association


All operations including flight and maintenance, are completely based on unpaid voluntary work. Most of our funding comes from membership fees. The members flight fares are estimated to cover the direct costs of the flight, the rent of OH-LCH and some of the maintenance costs. The sales of PR material such as caps and T-shirts yield only minor sums.

The maintenance organization of DC-yhdistys ry (DC-Association) is responsible for the maintenance of OH-LCH.


Airveteran Oy (Airveteran Ltd) was founded in 1985 by private citizens to preserve examples of DC-3 in Finland. DO-11 and DO-8 (C-47A-75-DL C/N 19309 s/n 42-100846 OH-LCD) were bought from the Air Force. OH-LCD is currently not airworthy but can be taxied and has recently been high-polished and painted to the early 1950’s Aero Oy´s scheme. OH-LCD is stored at Helsinki-Vantaa airport.

DC-yhdistys ry (DC-Association) was founded in 1988 to enable non-owners to participate on flights. OH-LCH is operated on a non-commercial basis by DC-Association, that has currently about 4000 members and many volunteered members help to keep the plane in the magnificent shape that can be seen here. During the summer season OH-LCH is flown mainly from Helsinki-Malmi airport and spends the winter time in Vaasa. OH-LCD is located at Finnish Aviation museum, Vantaa.

DC Association

Business ID: 2003383-8
Association ID: 148.462
IBAN: FI32 2001 1800 3885 17

Helsinki-Malmi Airport
00700 Helsinki

tel: +358 50 566 6346  (no messages)
email:  info@dc-ry.fi

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